This is the East side of the barn looking straight North. At one time they used to have a ring curb set up in the open area but now there was so little activity that Hugo liked to practice in the ring barn. These particular elephants were pretty much the last of the American Circus Corporation. The nearest is "Little Ruth" and the fourth is "Little Babe" both formerly with Hagenbeck-Wallace. The elephant in the background is "Sparks Mary".
1926 Benson's Wild Animal Farm 1927 101 Ranch Wild West 1928-30 John Robinson Circ us 1931-32 Sells-Floto Circus 1933-38 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus 1939 Baldwin Park Qtrs. 1939-66 Ringling-Barnum Circus 1966 Retired to the New Orlans Zoo following the 1966 season.
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