Sunday, June 18, 2006

"Jolly" #3

"Jolly" at work on the lot with what appears to be the same man as in the previous picture.
This is a complicated way to pull a wagon. The trace chains are going straight back to the fifth wheel and a collar chain to the end of the wagon pole to steer. What an operation to have to disconnect and reconnect from wagon to wagon.

I was always told that when you spotted a wagon, you were supposed to leave the wagon pole off-center so that when it was moved, the front wheels would already be in motion before the elephant recieved the full weight of the load.


Bob Cline said...

Do you have an elephant card made out on Jolly? I admit he is a new one in my records.

Buckles said...

All I have is:
1899 Bostock-Ferrari Animal Show
1901 Bostock's Animal Show
(Pan Americam Exposition)
1902 Frank Bostock's Animals

Anonymous said...

This is no doubt the same elephant that Richard Reynolds thought may have been Bostock's"Jumbo II", ago,based on the photograph published in the book,
by Frank C. Bostock
first published in 1903.
photo is on page 70.
Would you know if there is a photograph of Jumbo II
aka Capuri aka Rustin Singh?

Anonymous said...

According to the web page
Frank Bostock and the Ferari Bros. came to America in 1894.
In 1895 Frank Bostock landed on Coney Island with a tramp steamer and unloaded,
"Noah's Ark" show,featuring ,

a boxing Kangaroo
Jolly the elephant
Wallace"the untamable lion"
a tattooed Yak,
some performing lions and'whatnots'
In 1896 they took the show on the road and toured new England region.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to add here before I forget another interesting item I came across at
When the Walter L. Main Circus was auctioned off at Ashtabula, Ohio January.27.1900.
The biggest purchaser of animals had been
"The Bostock Bros. of Boston".
They purchased
1 Bengal Tiger
2 leopards
2 Ostriches
2 elephants(at a cost of $2,450. and the other, $1,600.)
1 hyeana 2 kangaroo's
1 female lion.