Friday, June 02, 2006

Baptiste Schreiber #2

This is Schreiber unloading his elephants in 1950. It appears that he waited until the menagerie was up before he took them to the lot. I wonder who got to ride the bike and who had to walk with the elephants?

He returned to the Ringling Show in 1955, I was visiting Smokey in Chicago and between shows I see a group of punks being led into the Big Top for practice, Smokey explained that North had again seen Schreiber working a group of Musical Elephants in Europe and hired him unaware that the elephants belonged to the show.
When Schreiber arrived to the States he brought three completely untrained punks (wretched looking things) and announced he would train a completely new act while on tour. After struggling for a while he came up with an assortment of excuses and alibis and North allowed him to pick thru the shows punks that were already trained since by this time a lot of money had been invested in him.
He was an embarrassment to Hugo Schmitt (both beingGerman) who gave him as much grief as he could.