Saturday, April 22, 2006
To Darryl / "Karen"
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4/22/2006 09:22:00 AM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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4/22/2006 09:22:00 AM
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Another baby eelephant? My day has started sucking already so will ask the question that has been on my mind since I first saw her. What happened to "STELLA"? I haven't seen or heard of her since her baby pictures with Barbara at pool side. Please fix my day and say she grew up.
That herd was sold to a show in So. America in 1975. I never heard any more about her.
Circus sure have a way of disappearing in South America. People too I guess. Maybe you know "WHO" is down there careing for all the animals. It would be a good thing. Its very hard for me to realize that the circus is a business and you have to let go once in a while. Don't think I could handle it. God I can't let go of loves from 45 years ago. Talk about hard head and soft heart!!!!
That puppet in the widow behind Hugo looks really 'lifelike.'
Mr Hugo is a look alike for Ed Asner. I would have liked to have met him. He comes across as a person I would have a deep respect for. Like Mr Woodcock Senior.
He was very shy and retiring.
Just like all circus folks.
He could have worked for I.B.M. In those all the men had to wear hats to work.
It's nice being the Administrator sometimes.
Sucks Shaz I was beginning to feel young and beautiful again. I need a reminder once in a while to remind me there was a time when I was. Some folks don't stop to think all this fun happened 40 years ago. I also need to remember that.
Thanks Shannon, job well done.
Thanks Buckles. This is the smallest photo of Karen I've seen. Thought she came in 69. She was one of the smartest elephants in that herd. She worked in the dog and pony act as well as was broke to carry a cougar on her back.
All right everyone quit laughing. You will short out your key board. I am going to have to give up wearing undies like Buckles if I have to keep changing them after reading some of the comments.
Dutchess, did I miss something?
No Gary you did not miss a thing. I sent Buckles a picture that I had forgotten about all these years. I had the photo put on a wooden perma plac thing and did not know if my friend could do a copy. She did. It turned out swell. Maybe next week Buckles will have a space for it. You will get a kick from it.
Thanks Dutchess, I thought I got lost in translation? Buckles, were you just visiting when you took this picture of Hugh?
Yes, Actually this isn't the picture I was looking for. After I took this one I handed the camera to someone else who took a picture of me and Hugo together. Him holding Karen and me holding Shannon who was about two months old.
So Shannon and Karen are about the same age.
I am running late this morning. My nose is red from tring to rub the brown spot off. I just read where L A ZOO is keeping their elephants. The new tactic from Animal Wrong seems to be The Homeless. Elephants are taking the money away from them to improve their surroundings. What will they think of next? "ANNA MAY" will never have an equal and will always be rememered as the best ambassadore for all elephants. Who would have thunk it all those years ago when Mr. Woodcock choose her for his own.
We were on the Ringling Show in 79 so it would have been later. We bought those males (only 2) "Toto" and "Mac" already beautifully trained by Mac MacDonald, in 1980. You may have seen Ben working them at the Tampa Fair. As to my whereabouts I was probably off in some Bar.
"Anna May's" tambourine was always my favorite trick too. As a young man my dad was a groom for the Powers elephants, a famous Vaudeville act. In one of the skits an elephant stood on a tub and as she raised each foot, she struck it with a tambourine. Meanwhile Mrs. Powers danced around her wearing a Spanish dress with mantea and clicked castinets.
When he later got "Anna May" he duplicated the trick but had her walk around the ring instead. This was a problem because it took forever to make a lap so he finally trained her to skip and strike the tambourine all at the same time. Quite a feat when you stop to realize she had to strike each alternate foot as she skipped.
So he wound up with a dance sequence, "Fanny" would do the "front leg skip" followed immediately by "Lydia" doing the "back leg skip" and finally "Anna May"'s tambourine dance which now zipped right around the ring and concluded with "shimmy" and a bow.
Anna May always amazed me as everything she did was so well done! I loved the Barber Shop routine mostly because the way she would sharpen the razor and stike poor old Peggy on the head!
Maybe this is why "PEGGY" peed all over Shannon years later. Revenge of the elephant. They have long memories you know. I just saw a picture of Smokie on Jims Blog. I thought he died a young man. I can't picture all the people I knew getting old. Forever young in my mind.
Dutchess, the Peggy I was talking about was on the CW herd and not the same one that Buckles owned later.
Ben & I walked in the back door by the animals in Nashville one morning, and Anna May was standing like a statue, I think trying very hard not to be noticed. In front of her was an empty feed sack, Ben said,"Anna May, what are you doing". She reached out with her front foot, slid the sack back as far as she could. Then with her hind foot pushed it further back out of sight. I'm sure if she could talk she would have said,"WHAT?"
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