As per the Gary H. question, this is the style wardrobe I once wore. The occasion was our first publicity pictures with the Polack Show, taken in Medinah Temple and my first introduction to Parley Baer who handled the Press. The elephant is "Opal".
As some of you may recall Barbara did the "up and over" with "Anna May" and when we were with this show, on occasion, we used two elephants "Anna May" and "Opal" side by side. One day we were showing Reno and Slivers and Jo Madison were in the audience, I couldn't resist the temptation to grandstand a little bit so I decided to use both elephants. On command they both went up on their hind legs Barbara stood under "Anna May" and I under "Opal" and as they both went into their head stands I felt a rip and as I backed out I discovred that my tight pants had parted from eave to bale ring, all I was wearing were two pants legs and with eight minutes remaining in the act. Needless to say I had the audience right in the palm of my hand that day, I tried unsuccesfully to pull the cape around backwards. Slivers stopped by after the show and didn't crack a word but I could see where had been wiping the tears away from his face.
No, the little elephant on the Sullivan Show was "Stella" the "flower girl" in yesterday's wedding picture.
Opal had been on the Polack Show for ten years before we arrived and trained by the great Mac MacDonald.
Buckles, Maybe the material should have been stretch material. Then you would not have had this funny story to tell years later. I love the little weird things that happen to take us down a peg or two. Lord knows It happened to me. Keeps us humble. Were you still wearing shorts back them??
I believe the Capt said before he always went "bareback"!
I think I can top that. Same trick "Up & Over".
In Baraboo I did this with Peggy - after about two years she started to get pretty shaky on the hind-leg stand. Probably getting nervous with me standing under her. The inevitable happened. As she went from hind leg stand to a head stand.....she preceded to pee all over me.
The band couldn't play another note to save their lives & Pete Sturgis lost command of his voice for the remainder of that performance.
Needless to say the "Up & Over" with Peggy was discontinued.
Good one Shaz. Wasn't circus life glamorus? I also hate the color orange. Next yellow then green. Isn't green supposed to be bad luck under the big top. I get a kick from the people who visit here. On matter how hard I try, I miss a pile every now and then. Naturally the visitor will find it and step in it. You would think it was the most horriable thing to happen in their lives. I keep a cookie sheet with a bleach solotion at my front gate that they have to step in before they can come in. I do protect what is mine.
Don't tell anyone, but I had to change my thong after reading Shaz's wonderful story about Peggy.
My first year into Portland with Castle had us all dismayed to have to wait while the Shriners dyed the sawdust green. They had it in a small cement mixer and spread it just before the show. When Cleo announced me I came dashing out in full tilt with the helmet held high. I suddenly realized the wet, green sawdust was on a slick concrete floor, and I wasn't going to stop. My boots went skyward and I brodied for 30 feet, my jungle whites re-dyed green, and my face a flaming red. That show my act was lost on the howling audience.
Some times jackpot sessions get to be like the old comedy show, "Can you top this. We visited Gene Holter once , and when it came time to get some people out of the seats to put on the elephant, Trudy got picked. While on the elephant her pants split, to make it worse he turned the elephants butt end toward the audience and had evryone slide off backward. Understandably she was a little red faced.
Some of my fondest memories are of the Polack show when I was a kid. I remember Opal because of her short back legs. Did she die in South America after the Stebbings got her? What happened to Louie and Mike ?
Bobbie Gibbs used to tell a story about a Mexican Circus that went to Venezuela. When El Presidente saw the show he met with the owner and told him it was the best circus he ever saw, and he was going to designate it , The Venezuelan National Circus. The owner said that was great, and when he came back next year he would,,,,El Presidente said, "You don't understand, this is now The Venezuelan National Circus, it's not going anywhere. I think that's what happened to the Stebbing Circus, Elephants, and all.
Yes they all went to So. America in 1975 and only "Louie" survives.
He is huge with very long ivory and still does a one foot stand.
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