Saturday, April 15, 2006

Clyde Beatty Circus 1945 #3

When I was a kid I always thought that the pole wagon was the neatest thing on the show with the center poles extended over the cab. Even more unique was pictures of pole wagons on railroad shows with other vehicles squeezed beneath and between the overhang. Circus ingenuity!


GaryHill said...

The truck I shoe horses out of is a Colorado. It is a small size truck for gas mileage. I have a swing out propane forge and a shoe rack and tool boxes all packed away where it only takes me less than three minutes to set up. People always ask or comment on the setup and I always tell them I learned well on the Circus!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Could you make any money carrying along an "antique" trailer, with fold out, historical exhibit of how circus folk used to live -- Pay to walk through? Sell historic photos? Connect to charms of the past and emphasize how comfortable modern circus vehicles are. ??? Only looking for more reasons to hang around and spend $$, now that I'm more than 4' tall. Not anyone's real treasures, just an artist's recreation: clown shoes, petticoats, horse collars, and linament, with a few amazin' facts scattered so they'll do the most good?

Buckles said...

Jimmy Cole would know all about that, he books his miniature circus into malls and such.
In the last century they had a rigging that allopwed an elephant to fall forward into a forward somersalt, it was quite a sensation.
I once asked Louie Stern if people would pay to see a somersalting elephant and he said "Sure kid, as long as you had Sam Ward or Mickey Blue to promote the date".

Anonymous said...

We got more in less space and did more with less money. cc

TommyIlo said...

I was wondering if you had any pictures of the sideshow acts for Clyde Beatty's Circus.. My Aunt Mary White was a Snake Charmer & my Uncle Red White was a Pitchman for the Sideshow.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous,It would make "Lots-O-Cash, Big BIG prizes!" Absolutly!!! In fact when I get back to Florida, I'll be happy to go on your payroll to lay it down/frame it for deep exactly are your pockets?...any way keep in touch...Sincerely John FrazXXXX Errr...The Curator