Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hagenbeck-Wallace/ Lion's Bride Tableau


Anonymous said...

This wagon is in Baraboo on loan from Kenneth Feld.

Anonymous said...

If I lived in the state of Florida, I would still be mad about that.Too bad the state didn't look a little further,or call on one of the North's about the scope of the contract. All the work of the volunteers lost over the greed of a few........

Anonymous said...

Your comment reminds me of a company I once worked for. A group of volunteers worked their kisters off to raise funds. When it came time for a TV promo they made the volunteers leave and brought in a group of people who looked better on TV. Such an injustice and one of the reasons I am so againest non profit, fund raising outfits. It has also happened quite recently. A couple taking credit for all the work that they never lifted a finger for except when a camera was close by.