Friday, February 24, 2006
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2/24/2006 06:21:00 AM
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She jabbers constantly but only the women can undestand her and she can't walk a step but is a holy terror on the infant walker.
I am much more familiar with house breaking puppies. First you rub their nose in it and then toss them out the window.
After six weeks the dog will poop on the floor, turn around, stick it's nose in it and then jump out the window.
What's the lime green thing? Splash guard?
Barbara first thought they had gotten a boy's potty by mistake but as it turned out the attatchment has proven to be invaluable.
The funny thing about this potty - it has a sensor and it will "detect" when the deed has been done and then it plays a tune.
Couldn't we adapt one of those sensors to toilet seats??
We have been trying to be ready to VIDEO the event and have the audio of the Musical Potty.
It's bad enough when we were kids and parents could take pictures and in some cases video.
Now we have the internet. She will never live this down.
How about "Thunder and Blazes!".
Just can't seem to get away from the poop. I haven't scooped the kennel yet so I have much to look forward too. Gary, I remember a post you made about Lime and sulfer. I used lard and sulfer on a few bald spots. Especialy the Jagwar[?] urine burns that they came with. Worked wonders. I wonder if this would also work on Pets that I sometimes get from rescue groups that have the mange. I try not to use drugs if at all possiable. What parts lime to what part sulfer did you use? I think the pets would lick the lard right off. I hate to make them wear elizabeth collars if I can do with out.
I would put the fancyest. frilly, ruffly panties on the girls. They did not want to soil them and have to take them off. Worked for mine real fast.
They also make a thing that sets right on the regular pot. I am not going to even start about how I had five kids under the age of two for five years. Once they learned to use it they wanted to go every five minutes, To me it was easier to change diapers. I had a five line clothes line in Denver. By the time I got to the end of the line with the load, the beginning was already dry. How times change. Now I house train puppys for a living. Just can not get away from the poop. Hope no one gets offended by natural body functions. If you do tough. It all stinks. We are talking training here.
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