Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth 1909

Barnum & Bailey parade on a hot day in Iowa City, Iowa July 13, 1909. People in shirt sleeves and straw hats.
How about that howdah? They could have had room for a TV and air conditioner.
I'm sure this old cow is "Gypsy" who went back to 1873 with P.T. Barnum.


Anonymous said...

The men look like they might be from India

Buckles said...

Fortunately this helps to identify the Barnum & Bailey elephants on parade. The Ringling men were dressed in red tunics and white helmets.

Anonymous said...

What happened to old "Gyp" anyway?
I believe there were one or two others with that same name and its confused people over the years.