Sunday, January 29, 2006
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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1/29/2006 09:17:00 PM
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Absolutely wonderful.
What would you not give to have your Mom and Dad see this? I cried {as usual} when I think of what they would say. Their dry wit concidered you know they would be so proud. I can almost hear them. Some day soon.
My mother lived long enough to see all this fol de rol. She saw the show in the Garden, remained thru Philly and rode the train with us to Okla. City where she took a bus home.
She also spent some time with us on Big Apple Circus which she referred to as the damndest thing she ever saw.
Buckles, I'm with Karen! I 'd love a copy of the show? Do you have the cat acts also? Fun to see them someday. Thanks, Gary
P.S. Be careful Delilah, of what you ask for.
I contacted my friend who promptly informed me that the Ringling Specials are strictly Copywritten and duplication for commercial purposes are forbidden by law.
He added that they probably wouldn't be overjoyed even having them shown on a non-commercial basis.
Which tells me that we all may be going to jail shortly.
Re: The spinster remark.
After supporting our daughter through a college degree and two professional certifications I was hoping she'd get a well paying job. She, however, was content with a rather low-paying position. I asked her, with her qualifications, why she didn't try for a better paying job?
She quickly replied with a question, "Do I ever ask you for money?" I answered honestly, No. She then replied, "then shut-up."
I have refrained from comment on her finances or social life.
So, until something can be figured out, there sare two outstanding clips I would like to send out.
The Opening which was a show in itself and the well remembered Aquatic Spec "Sodomy on the High Seas".
And what great music, galops and classical music. You always remember a BIG number of elephants for the rest of your life!
Let me were showing these great clips for historical, educational reasons, right?
Ringling in Tysons Corner, VA probably still has them for sale!
Most educational site on the Web! Thanks Buckles!
It must be very hard to find work that you enjoy. For those of us who have found that work, money does not enter into the happyness part. The joy we find can not be measured in dollars and cents. If we can make a living {by our own standards and not have to ask for help}we are very lucky. Would like to have a year of above proverty level just once.
If we all have to go to jail, we can get an education, three meals a day, medical care, plenty of rest. I'm ready. After the 10th of this month, I may end up in the poky anyway for smacking the person who took me to court in the first place. I would rather be with you guys in the Big House. I may load up on tranqalizer before the hearing. Then again I remember what happened to SUE and not take them.
I will try to get Opening & Spec tonite after I get off work. I converted it from a very old vcr tape to DVD. I even wish I had a better copy.
I learned today that Ken & Nicole maintains an Archivist at the Ellenton Facility who is consulted as a reference point to provide ideas from shows of the past.
Great news! We may yet see a reproduction of one of the 1940's John Murray Anderson Specs
I think for this particular blog the "fair use" doctrine applies:
[T]he fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or
phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as
criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom
use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining
whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be
considered include--
1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted
work as a whole; and
4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted
work. [n.66]
Not much chance RBBB is going to start to sell the specials on DVD, somebody might notice that today's units are somewhat diminished. Not a good thing when you're peddling "The Greatest Show On Earth" (tm)
On the other hand, Feld Entertainment seems to have a poor record lately winning law suits.
Such a venture might make me a wealthy man.
Forget it Buckles. Only the lawyers make money.
Well ; I was a little teary eyed from these supprise VIDIOS today! They are like living in thoes times again, " ALMOST TO VIVIDLY " in my o'le rockenchair! To see The Woodcock Family in there relm is exciting. Ben, Barbara & Anna May working together is bliss, Karen's also a delight along with the " 5 acts " from a distance. Dalilah & Charlie leave me speachless as always. Nice doen Shaz.
Interesting researching the copyright of these TV specials a year or so ago, it was found out that the network, not Feld Entertainment owns the copyright to the films. The Family Chanel ran the entire series of them a few years back, starting with the Gunther 1969 special to the final Michelle Lee one in the early 90's. Someone might check with video maven Mike Martin for possible copies.
Thank's for posting the clips Buckles. The show used to look so great. I was on the Red 73-75 and I remember arenas overflowing with props and rigging. Lots of color and bodies in motion everywhere. Barstow, Bradley and Fries did a fantastic job in those days; it must have been like choreographing an ant farm! Don Foote was always spectacular.
I saw the Red this year and it was so empty. I wish I had known how lucky I was at the time.
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