Saturday, January 14, 2006

St. Louis Zoo 1960/Dick Mcgraw


Anonymous said...

Dick McGraw was at the Zoo 1958 to 1961. His assistant was at the Zoo when I was there -- some interesting stories. People spoke highly of the act. The scenery was painted by Mike Kostial the chimp trainer. Mike's dad had been the lion trainer before Jacot. He thought little Mike should learn a trade so Mike went into sign painting -- didn't like it and returned to the Zoo to present a world famous chimp act.

Anonymous said...

I can speak highly of Dick's act.

Anonymous said...

For Roger Smith: What did Dick McGraw do after he left the Zoo? I've heard he was at Jungleland for a while and eventually was in the construction business. I'll believe the authority on the subject.

Anonymous said...

You can sure tell Mable Stark trained Dick by the way he hold the stick.

Anonymous said...

Jim, were you at the zoo in 58 and 59? we may have passed each other in the area.I had long black hair down to my butt and was very dark complected..[from the sun] JC thought I was from another country. I was never around the elephants there. Just around the cats. I was a governess in Creve Cour then. My charge told me I was the prettyest chineze lady he ever saw. Smart kid.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I was in the Chicago area and began my zoo career after I met Marlin Perkins in 1960. That was my connection to get to St. Louis. Mr. Perkins called me in Peoria in 1966 and offered me a job at St. Louis.
Had I checked out a girl with long black hair in 59 I would have remembered, sorry I missed out on the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

When I arrived at Jungleland, just after Mr. Beatty's death in 1965, Dick was there, and was my mentor, along with Mabel and Benny Bennett until closing on October 9, 1969. I'm on a timed computer at the library now, so this will be short. Great picture. Somebody keep it for me. We are still settling after the move and not online again yet.