Monday, December 05, 2005

Spec wardrobe #1

This is the first Ringling costume designed by Don Foote for Barbara at the Circus World Park. They were good friends since she enjoyed being pretty and he appreciated someone who could showcase his stuff.


Anonymous said...

Has any one taken note that the performers were always dressed to cover the most parts that are on display today. Barbara was always a sight to behold in the ring. I used to be more interested in her wardrobe then the actual performance She showed me how to make my own costumes. I spent every dime I made at Guyets for seiquine, stones, feathers, etc. We sat in the bleachers between shows and sewed on wardrobe. All the fancy garb the designers made for her were no better then she made herself sometimes. Barbara is one of the few really naturals in the beautiful department. A true female to the core. Good for you girl.