Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"Safari" #2

Eddie Allen was appointed boss elephant man thereby gaining much publicity and even more a few years later on he Ringling Show when he put together the best remembered elephant number ever done with that show, "The Changing of the Guard".


Anonymous said...

From the July 7,1956 Billboard--

Taken from an article on Hagen Bros. Circus;
Patty Couls works the single elephant,and the bull, Dixie, is announced as the oldest and largest. It does a pretty dance bit for an old Powers Elephant. Second elephant on the show does not work, and the new Howard elephants are with Hagen's sister show.
Other Headlines from the same issue;
Delay Court Sale Of King-Maley Gear!
Barney Bros. Bows To Light Turnout;

Anonymous said...

From the July 14,1956 Billboard--
Difficulties Still Dog Ringling Show;
Mich. Steady For Geo. Cole;
Kelly-Miller Crowds Grow In Corn State;
N.J., N.Y. Okay For Mills Show;

Anonymous said...

From the July 21,1956 Billboard--


McClosky, Kernan to Open Beatty Rail Show in August;
Paul Kelly Gets Wirth Interest In King Property;
Trustee Sees Dim Prospects For King Sale;
Sello Opens In Indiana, Uses 8 Loads;
Trustee Comments on King, Beatty, Barney, Calliope;

Anonymous said...

From the July 28,1956 Billboard--


McClosky Hires King As Beatty Show Agent;
Forty-Niners Disclaim Part, Report North "Doing it All".
Barney Bros. Halts; Maley Hurt in Wreck;


Louis McNeese has his elephant with the Aut Swenson Trillcade, wher it is used for a stunt in which an auto is jumped over the bull.

Anonymous said...

Buckles ---

Do you have any photographs of "Jungle Drums" (the elephant spec from about 1949, I think) or "Changing of the Guard" which you could put on your WebLog someday?
Thank you.
Todd P.

Anonymous said...

Go check out Eddie Allen's book,
FUN BY THE TON(with F.Berverly Kelly) which was published in the early 1940's.
Its a interesting book.
Though its too bad he didnt write more about his own experiences with elephants in it.

Buckles said...

I have a lot of books including FUN BY THE TON and HERE COME THE ELEPHANTS but these books were severely ghosted.
If you want to know the way it really was, get Slim Lewis' book ELEPHANT TRAMP.

Anonymous said...

ELEPHANT TRAMP was originally published in 1955,but if anyone here is interested go get the book,
I LOVED ROGUES by George"Slim"Lewis as told to Byron Fish published in 1979 by Superior books.
Not only does it have the complete text of Elephant Tramp it was updated to include whatever became of Ziggy the elephant after he was released from his elephant house after about 23 years.Also I LOVED ROGUES has many,many photographs(ELEPHANT TRAMP didnt have any photographs inside)I think you can get copies of these books on Albris.

Anonymous said...

FUN BY THE TON still is a very interesting book about circus elephants.
I have seen a copy of
which isnt really a non-fiction book but like a novel based on real events.It does include numerous photographs though,worth getting a copy if just for the photo's of all the circus elephants.