Wednesday, December 21, 2005

John Robinson Circus early 1920's #1

This is an unusual picture since normally the train was loaded at night. You see lots of pictures of the unloading.
In this case it might have been a matinee only date and therefore an early loading.
You can see the water wagon already spotted and locked in while a pull-up team is bringing another heavily loaded wagon up the runs. The man bent over along side the rear wheel is carrying a chock block which he will keep snubbed up tightly should the rope break.


Anonymous said...

being such a short cut could have been a rest stop on a long run were they would unload the cookhouse and feed the show water and feed the animals usly the loading cuts were much longer

Buckles said...

I never thought of that, you may be right.

Buckles said...

On the Cole Show we made two runs to the West Coast and all I ever recall getting on a Sunday run was a dukie bag.