Sunday, December 18, 2005

Gee Gee Engesser #2

Gee Gee's sister Vates was also on the Cole Show that year and here we see her in the ring barn practicing web. The girls of course, were multi-talented having been raised on Shell Bros. Circus owned by their father George.

GeeGee remains active in show biz today, in fact I chatted with her on the phone yesterday.
Her son Bill runs the Broad Mob with the Ken & Nicole Show.


Anonymous said...

After asking about more pictures of girls doing web, I don't make a comment on this one. Every position looks perfect. The women really worked so hard in the circus. It was work or starve back then. No welfare,etc to count on. We had too much pride also. The family depended on each other to make a living. Everyone pitched in. You never thought of not working. You also had to compete with other acts to land a job. I also noticed that they practiced in normal everyday clothing. It looks to me like today you have to have special practice clothing. Can I nit pik or what? No one ever got rich, but always looked so good on the shows. Clean, healthy and happy. Except for the clowns.