Sunday, September 11, 2005

Walter McLain #3

This was the scene after McLain took over the Ringling elephants, they all worked. As a result of the 1938 Teamster strike John Ringling North eliminated all the baggage horses and the 100 odd teamsters that worked them. With the addition of the Barnes elephants in 1939 they not only worked on the lot (notice the push pad on the elephant at left) but loaded and unloaded the train. Many of the Ringling elephants were unbroke for harness so McLain put in a busy winter.
Slivers Madison was Walter's first assistant on both the Barnes and Ringling Shows and said that it was general knowledge that Walter was illiterate but had no idea that everyone was aware. Slivers did whatever paper work was required such as hiring and firing of the help but another of his jobs was to fetch Walter the newspaper and fill him in on current events, then Walter would enter the elephant men's tent, with a flourish produce his reading glasses and after considerable scanning would announce that Hitler had invaded Poland and that he was very concerned.


Anonymous said...

Buckles, is it true that female elephants get VERY attached to another female elephant? I have always heard this and wanted to know, but was afraid to ask. I am over 60 so can ask if I want to.

GaryHill said...

Rebecca, Jewel New had a all male lion act at Circus World when Buckles was there and I worked for both of these fine Men. We did have some queer cats that were in love with one another. Gary