Thursday, September 15, 2005

Hunt Bros. Circus 1953

This is the 1953 elephant herd, the three big elephants all came from the Ringling Show at various times.They picked up "Dolly" at the Bridgeport Quarters in 1927, "Blanche" was brought up from Sarasota in 1939 and "Sparks Jewel" in 1940.
The show imported the five punks in 1949 "Chandre", "Seta", "Rani", "Muna" and "Dinnu" and hired Louie Reed (assisted by Smokey Jones) to train them. One of them is absent from the picture above.
Smokey told me that the show was very "laid back". Louie would get up in the morning and start yelling and rapping on doors with his cane informing one and all that it was time to get up and get the show moving. Much to the dismay of the Hunts.