When we were out in California in 1965 our first season with the Polack Show, we were laying over a few days at Jungleland then Louie Goebel mentioned that he had some punks coming in. Later back on the show I mentioned it to Louie Stern and to my surprise he said "If you want to Kid, go pick one up". Simple as that. I assumed they would be yearlings or more but unaware they were now being flown in and the smaller the better. "Stella" turned out to be about two months old if that. Barbara started out feeding her Calf Manna and over the weeks added oatmeal and fruit squashed up in the blender. Naturally she followed Barbara everywhere as seen in this picture taken at my sister in law Billie's swimming pool in San Jose.
Somethings are just to precious for words. Stella is one of them
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