Sunday, July 31, 2005

John Robinson Circus 1923/ Abe Goldstein

I don't recall ever seeing a circus clown use a cigar. Maybe this one is a prop.


Anonymous said...

I have found that a picture of a clown is never funny. You have to see them in action. Does anyone know where the clown with the long green eye lashes is? He won a drawing for a Cadalic Car at one winter date I played for Kelly Miller in the early 60s. He dated my sister on that date.

Anonymous said...

Ido believe the "cigar" is the "clown cops" "billy club", I have an old one that belonged to Trudy's grandfather Gil Wilson who sometimes did a cop character.
Bill S.

anonymous said...

Abe Goldstein had booking agents in 1929 WIRTH N HAMID and worked with a dog called TEDDY I have pic from booking catalog just don't know how to download----DAAA me