Monday, July 26, 2010

Circus Franz Althoff (From Henry Schroer)

Circus Franz Althoff, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles,
Here are some pictures of Franz Althoff Circus Tent and the movie Circus World he did in 1963/4.
The Tent was 200'feet by140'feet and had a seating capacity of 6000.



Buckles said...

The first time I met Henry was late in 1973 shortly after the Red Show had returned to Quarters.
I had just taken over the Circus World elephants from Hugo Schmitt.
With both shows in the barn I had to move my herd out back under the trees by Charlie Smith's shop.
Gunther had his crew set up an old horse tent for my smaller elephants and on cold nights I would march the big ones back into quarters and herd them all night in the ring barn.
Under my charge were a number of former Billy Smart elephants and two of them "Joan" and "Christine" managed to drag me over a good portion of Southern Sarasota County.
On one occasion "Christine" took me right thru the side wall of the borrowed horse tent and out the other side.
Shortly after law and order had been restored, Henry came up to examine the ruins.
I explained that Gunther had just been there and had told me not to be concerned since it was an old tent.
Henry replied, "That's what he said to you but it's sure not what he said to me!"
"Now I've got to fix all this stuff."

Henry Schroer said...

Was I grumpy?