Tuesday, September 07, 2010

From Rick Pfening

1A_BLUN13, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Dear Friends: Dad passed away last night about 8:20 pm. I will inform everyone about the funeral arrangements in a day or two. Fred D. Pfening III


Jimmy Cole said...

A wonderful and generous man! He was America's #1 circus historian for sure. I had the privilage of knowing Fred for many years. What an honor it was when Mr. Pfening would ask ME for some photos for his beloved "Bandwagon" magazine!

My sincere sympathy to his family.

Buckles said...

What a loss.
My last link to the Woodcock, Pfening, Parkinson, Fox, Conover, Bradbury era is gone.

dpowhitetiger said...

Fred Pfening, first met this great man on the Mills Bros. Circus lot on the fairgrounds in Circleville, OH. fairgrounds. Fred was driving a orange Cadillac at the time...He signed me up at the time to the Circus Historical Society.Each and every issue of BANDWAGON is a collectors issue...I agree with Buckles the LAST LINK....Much love and prayers to the Pfening Family..

Harry Kingston said...

What a great loss, the man that loved the circus most of all and it's history.
Younger fans owe you the most with your Bandwagon and Circusiana mart.
My sincere sympathy to his family.
Harry Kingston

Ole Whitey said...

We knew and loved Fred for many years. We mourn his death and will miss him greatly. All our sympathy go to Lee, Rick, Tim, and the family.

Dave and Mary Jane

Wade G. Burck said...

A great loss of an important man to the circus industry. My sincere sympathy to the Pfening family.
Wade Burck

john herriott said...

I am certain that hundreds of people who are friends of Fred will mourn his loss. I am one of them. He lovede to Cut it up whether it was RBBB or Allen Bros, He loved them all. He could recall every show or incident clearly and was sure one of the GOOD GUYS. My deepest sympathy to all the family. Sincerely Johnny

Frank Ferrante said...

Dear Rick -

Our hopes and thoughts go out to you and yours. Take care. ~frank

John Goodall said...

Truly a giant in the field of circus history. He will be sorely missed by his friends, fellow historians and show people everywhere. There were a lot of souls waiting at the gates to welcome him. My condolences go out to Rick and the family.
Rest in peace my friend and God bless.
John Goodall

Jack Ryan said...

My sincere sympathy to the Pfening family. He was a giant among us in his circus knowledge and scholarship and will be sorely missed.

Jack Ryan

Anonymous said...

You could not meet a kinder more caring gentleman. He was to the Circus what Carl Sandburg was to Lincoln. If you love the Circus, you loved Fred Pfening. I am so very sad. Diane and I send our sincere sympathy and caring thoughts to the Pfening family.

Paul Gutheil

Paul H. said...

My sympathies to the Pfening family. Fred provided a more than a half century of wonderful public service in advancing American circus history. I'll think of him every time my Bandwagon arrives in the mail.

Paul Holley

John Whitfield said...

I am really saddened by Fred's death. He was CIRCUS and I originally met him at the age of 16. My deepest sympathy to the family.

Anonymous said...

Having known & talked with Fred over many years, we found him to be a most valued & discerning member of the Circus Greats' Induction Board for the International Circus Hall of Fame, Peru, IN, since being named to said group in 2000. Clearly a special, one-of-a-kind circus historian, fan & friend, his wisdom & presence will be missed, greatly, especially by those fortunate enough to have met, worked & been associated with him. Our condolences to Fred's entire family. -- Bill Hall

David Carlyon said...

He was a good man, generous with his friends and wonderful in his contributions to circus and circus history. I'm very sorry we lost him, and send my sympathies to Rick and their family.

Jim A. said...

A library of circus history that he generously shared with all of us -- and a nice man. My sympathies to the Pfening family and his many friends.

Janet Davis said...

I am deeply sorry that Fred Pfening has passed. He was a giant in the world of the circus and his beloved Bandwagon was (and will remain) a feast for the eyes and mind. Fred was always so kind and responsive to my multiple circus queries over the years: I will always be grateful to him. The Pfening Family is in my prayers and has my deepest heartfelt sympathies.

Anonymous said...

Fred's passing is a loss to all who love the circus. He passed on so much knowledge of yesteryear. I remember my times with Fred over the telephone when he was researching the END OF THE YEAR REVIEW. You could count on Fred to print the answers to questions correctly. All of the details were printed without confusion. So many people today do not listen when someone speaks. Fred heard everything you said in response to his questions and readers got the complete scoop. We will miss you, Fred. Peter & Joyce Rosa

Anonymous said...

A GREAT man, who will be sadly missed.
Our thoughts are with you and your family.
Bob Kitto

Jackie LeClaire said...

I can only repeat the words that Kenny Dodd spoke to me this morning when I told him about Fred Pfening,"He was a wonderful man"
Jackie LeClaire

Roger Smith said...

With the credit "Pfening Archives" on hundreds of BANDWAGON photos, and his by-line on numerous articles, I became respectful of the scope of his collection and as was said of James Madison, "the libraries in his mind." I only met him once, at the '95 CHS convention in San Antonio.

My condolences to all the Pfening family. I am among those grateful for this man's legacy.