Tuesday, September 07, 2010

From Henry Schroer

Hi Buckles,
For some reason I can not comment on you blog anymore so could you please say thank you for me to all the people that send there get well wishes. It is much appreciated.
Thank you very much


john herriott said...

We are with you and for you there Henry and you are sure on our mind. All the best to you. Your friend Johnny Herriott

Jack Ryan said...


As Johnny said, you are very much on all of our minds. Sending you all good, positive thoughts we can muster.


Karen Glenn said...

Take Care of yourself! We are all thinking about you and pulling for you..prayers for you too. Take care!! God Bless !!!!

Mireille, said...

Henry Cherie...
In life there is a plase and time for everything. we never know when and were... I also have a brother with the same thing... I want to tell you that you are love by so many camarade in our special world,
and today and everydays, they fine new medisine it is a Miracle...
Cherie allways think of the best things. and all the performers love for you.. You will be fine...
sincerely always. Mirielle...