Tuesday, September 07, 2010

From Paul Gutheil

fred p big e, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles: Was just going
to mail attached photo to Fred when the sad news arrived. I took this
candid shot during a Circus performance at the Big E
He will be so missed.


Paul and Diane Gutheil


Anonymous said...

Dad would have loved this photo. Paul Ingrassia and Ward Hall were two of his closest friends. Oddly enough, they were the last two two people in the circus community he had contact with. Paul called him at the rehab place a number of times and I took Ward out to see Pop when Ward was here for the Ohio State Fair. They cut up jackpots for an hour and a half. Dad was very touched Ward came out to see him. Dad felt so blessed to know so many fine people in the show business. Fred Pfening III

Lane Taburt said...

Photos were a stock and trade of Fred's legendary editorship of Bandwagon. As a late-comer to his stable of authors, I anxiously awaited to see my stories in print--not because of my penmanship but primarily to see the range of impressive photos that Fred retrieved from his extensive archives. I had never seen many of the circus folks mentioned in the articles, so I was like a kid in a candy store when my latest edition of Bandwagon arrived in the mailbox. He often sent me research documents from his files to shed light on events previously unpublicized. Fred was always an encourager, and he had the most polite but effective way of prompting a writer to "turn loose of the story"--in other words, "stop dawdling and get back to your PC. I've got another deadline coming up." OK, Fred, I'm writing, I'm writing--and always in your shadow. The circus has lost a true friend and cheerleader.

Anonymous said...

Fred was a great supporter of Circus World Museum, he had been on our Board of Directors since July 11, 1959. A great friend of Circus World he assisted in so much support of the Museum it would be impossible to list all his contributions. A true protector and presenter of Circus history and a guide to so many who have been bitten by the circus bug. We all will miss him, his knowledge, his dedication and his enjoyment of the circus. The Executive Committee of Circus World Museum, Inc. (the Friends of Circus World Museum) will honor Fred's long term love for Circus World by pledging in his name $1,000 towards the restoration fund of the Barnum & Bailey Fairtale Float of Old Woman in the Shoe. This is the last wagon in the remaining set of three that CWM,Inc has been restoring. When completed Fred name will be placed on the Wagon for all of us to remember his great contribution to the preservation of circus history. To our friend from the Executive Committee Ralph Pierce, Marilyn Parkinson, Sandra Gollmar Edwards,& Robert Janke, Board of Directors & all Inc. members