Wednesday, September 15, 2010

From Ralph Pierce

Mother Goose Yes, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The Friends of the Circus World Museum (Circus World Museum, Inc.) wish to honor our long term Board of Director Member since 1959, Fred Pfening. Inc. will be making a pledging in his honor of $1,000 towards the restoration fund of the Barnum & Bailey Fairytale Float “Old Woman In The Shoe”. This is the final restoration of the set of three of the remaining Fairytale Floats. As also pictured you can see that Inc.’s funding of the restoration of the Cinderella Float produced a wagon of great beauty. By pledging these moneys towards our fund drive we will ensure with Fred’s name mounted on the completed wagon a reminder to all of his great contribution to the preservation of circus history. By Inc. funding the complete restorations of these wagons we are directly preserving and presenting circus history at the Circus World Museum.


Bob Cline said...

Perhaps you could tell us how many books of gold leaf it will take to do the last allegorical float. Since Gold is over $1000.00 an ounce now, what is the estimated cost and when will it be started? How long does it take to complete the project? I know you have been talking about for over three years now. The two that are done are absolutely brilliant.

Chic Silber said...

Sorry Bob Gold hit an all time

high yeasterday of $1270 troy oz