Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More Gunther (From Paul Gutheil)

gunther leopard, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I believe I sent this to you in
Jan 0f "09 , but I just came across it, again, so I thought I'd
send it anyway.

Photo I took of Gunther working 14 leopards circa 1977.


Chic Silber said...

When Gunther asked Irvin about

having the small (12") mirrored

balls built into these 2 arches

Irvin asked me what I thought

I agreed that we should go over

the idea with Charly who said

he'd prefer that they didn't

revolve if they were needed at all

I don't recall this act to be

a highlight of Gunther's career

Anonymous said...

Chic: This may indeed not be a highlight of Gunther's career to Showfolks, Fans, etc. but it is nonetheless, to me a wonderful part of an exceptional man's career, ie., as I recall, 14 leopards in first half of show 14 tigers in second half, plus liberty horses and elephants.
Love the photos by the way. Somehow I never managed to get a shot of Gunther carrying Kenny from the front, just the side and the back, including the hug.

My best to you, Paul Gutheil

Chic Silber said...

During our time of performances

in Venice I would be at the sound

console on the front track against

the railing between rings 2 & 3

where I also called the lights

as well as a great vantage point

Chic Silber said...

That sound console "rolling rack"

with 3 main power amps & a main

mixer is among the availables in

my trash & treasure collection

It was built originally to be the

temporary sound system for the

Nassau Coliseum until the whole

place was completed & then it came

south to become the Venice system

Chic Silber said...

Is that Piccolo lower right

Frank Ferrante said...

Chic -

I can't tell for sure, it's probably Piccolo. When blowing up the picture, it's pretty clear that it is NOT someone kneeling beside the cage, and other than Frankie Saluto or Prince Paul, there wasn't anyone else short enough other than Piccolo. Could be Mark Oliver, but I doubt it. ~frank