Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Manual Ruffin 1972 (From Jim Cole)

Manual Ruffin 1972, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Word received (and confirmed) that Jr. Ruffin passed away last night at his home.


Anonymous said...

Junior will be remembered for many things,But first of all his great smile and personality.No matter what he always greeted you with that.
To me he was a giant.I recall seeing him in St.Cloud,Fl with Hoxie many times.
We didnt become acquainted until several decades later.He was a walking encyclopedia of circus knowlegdge.
He was always with it and for it.
Greatly missed he will be.

Chic Silber said...

At least he lived to see his wheel

dedicated in the "Ring of Fame"

May the Prince rest in peace

Anonymous said...

he was one of the most gentle soul person anyone could meet he had the time to talk to you anytime . i met him when he was in the Hoxie show yrs later cross paths with him in the Ringling show and other places along the way . he will be misses .CleanRaul

William Shoop said...

When I was a child and JUniors act opened Hoxie Brothers Circus it was awesome.You knew you were in for the start of a magical day under the big top.
In my opinion Junior should be in the Circus Hall Of Fame.Few personified the circus than this man.He was an all around asset to any show he worked for.I oft times wonder while on Hoxie how he kept up the pace.
He told me once how Clyde Beatty Junior was jealous of him in a good natured way.And of the deep respect and admiration of Clyde that he had.He always spoke of how nice Beatty was to him and others.
He was proud of working for Vargas and how Cliff was amazed at how fast he could be the big top up
as boss canvasman.
He came up the hard way but youd never hear him complain.
He was so proud and happy when he was inducted into the ring of fame.
Rest in peace my friend!!

Lane Taburt said...

CleanRaul, I believe you described Junior perfectly as a gentle soul. Though I only knew him over the last five years, I'm glad to have had the opportunity of documenting his life and accomplishments on video and in print. Along the way we became close friends. A lot of circus producers, performers, working men and fans maintained links to Junior over the years. The honors and recognition that came his way in recent years were much deserved. As Junior told me after his Ring of Fame induction in January, "Nobody gave me that plaque. I EARNED it!"

J C Hall said...

The last time I saw The Prince was when he stopped by the house with Larry Larry's cat act in tow returning from the RBBB's Japan Tour.
Went with him to get supplies for the return trip to Fl.
Also during the time this photo was taken I sold him several twisted willow whip stocks,My side line business back then.Rest In Peace old Friend.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the date of the National Geographic that Junior was in? I remember a two page picture of Junior and his lionesses. In the 60's sometime?

Rest in peace, Prince Bogino.


Junior called me the day that he found out, to tell me that he was going to be inducted.

Thanks be to God that he was inducted before he died.

To pursue his dreams,he overcame obstacles that we can only imagine.

Roger said...

This is a sadness that truly strikes home, coming only a day after learning of the loss of Vicki Hanneford, who was family to my friend Kim Baer.

It's a time to remember kindly Milton Berle, asking that if honors are to be given to our luminaries, give them in their lifetime. "Let them smell the roses before they're gone," he pled. I was grateful to be among the many who congratulated Junior on his election to the Ring of Fame. He sent me his notification and details of his honor. Let's also thank those who nominated Junior and saw his honor come through. Bill Johnston noted in his bio of Frank Phillips that there are but a few like Clyde Beatty, Mabel Stark, and Terrell Jacobs among wild animal trainers, but many skilled, hardworking journeyman trainers who seldom receive due recognition. Thankfully, Prince Manuel Ruffin will rest in peace, his place of honor assured.

william Shoop said...

The National Geographic with Junior was March 1972.This in responce to anonymous.

Roger Smith said...

The Hoxie show article featuring Prince Bogino is in the May 1972 National Geographic. For the other two prestigious circus treatments in that magazine, both by Bev Kelley, look for the issues of October 1931, and March 1948.

Anonymous said...

I met Junior in the 1970's when he worked transportation on Ringling Blue. He was always kind and jovial, never to busy to smile and say hello. Junior was a very positive and intelligent person, and I am so glad I met him. Blessings on him - he lived a good life and was loved by many. I've just learned of his death, and am so sorry.

Roger Smith said...

My typo. The Hoxie issue of National Geographic is March '72, as William first stated.

Michael Hackenberger said...

I met Prince for the first time in Thompson Manitoba in the 70s. I watched him present his cats, care for them and load the truck. During this whirl wind of activity he found time to talk about his animals and his profound love of circus. That talk over 30 years ago comes to my mind so clearly because all my subsequent talks with him carried the same gentle kindness and love.
I always called him Prince because I think he liked it and to my mind it was a fitting tag. In latter years he would phone and regale we with wonderful stories of a circus age which has slipped away. These stories I now pass along to my kids, however always acknowledging their true author.
Prince it was a pleasure and a delight to have know you and in testiment to one who was always "with it and for it, may all your days be circus days"

Wade G. Burck said...

I knew Junior both on Vargas and Ringling. The statements kind, jovial, and carefree best fit this man. When he fell of the flats on Ringling and broke his leg, it slowed him down, but not much. I went to my first Ring of Fame induction this year just to see him. When he saw me, he ran through the crowd and threw his arm's around me and said, "I am going to have Rob(Gargantua Circus Fan extraordinaire from Philadelphia) keep an eye on you. I know you are only here to try to steal my award." I laughed and told him it wasn't necessary to hire security, but not to be careless and lay it down, because it would disappear. We had some great laughs that day, and I have never seen a prouder man, and I am sure John Herriott echo's those sentiments. "With it and for it," until the end.
Wade Burck

Jimmy Cole said...

Well spoken Wade! Junior was a great friend to all who love circus, What a proud and well deserved honor it was for him to be inducted into the Sarasota Ring of Fame earlier this year! He had so many of his wonderful friends and fans there to support him.

Jimmy Cole

Anonymous said...

Junior started out as a cage boy on Clyde Beatty Circus and I met him that winter on the Shrine dates that Beatty played. He was a pleasant fellow, immediately likeable and was very interested to be around all the animal people. He made Beatty's whip poppers and started making mine as he had the thread, beeswax, etc. and liked doing it. He caught on quick to the circus lifestyle and it would be his way of life all through the years. He was one of those people who become a jack of all trades and it would serve him well. He had a big laugh and jovial demeaner, very well met and enjoyable to be around. He was interested in circus history and its people and he could cut up jackpots with the best of us. No one really paid much attention that he was black and unless someone was predigioused he was easily accepted in our fraternity. I trouped with him on Hoxie where he was the ramrod of the working deptments both ewhite and colored. He was also the shade tree mechanivc and with baling wire, wrench and scredrivers got those junkers on the lot. He ran the stakedriver, worked a small four lion act and when the elephant boss blew he capably worked the nice five big elephant act put together by Rex Williams. He liked that and my pretty young daughter styled the act with him. We would laugh about the fact in the south here would be this cute chick in the ring with this big black guy. But junior did pull himself up and was a very capable showguy. He would be canvas boss on Vargas and transportation on Ringling, plus be around various cat acts over the years. Frankly I was quite surprised when he played the race card during thetime he bwas considered for the Ring Of FAme. That he was blackballed in joining our Showfolks Club is not true as he dould easily made application to join and any number of us would have vouched for. him. It seems to me that all of this was politically motovated and certainly not the Junior we all knew. Was bhe a circus "super start"? certainly not. Was he a great cat trainer? Not at all. He was a very versatile person and indeed is the kind of loyal employee that any circus owner would look for. He loved the circus and its people and certainly made his mark. So many of us will always remember Jun iour. Our only recognition of him was Junior and "Prince Bogino" was only the announceme nt. He had a marvelous ability to characterize so many circus people. Some of them like Vargas or Rex or Feld were hilarious.sincerely John Herriott

Chic Silber said...

Thank you John

No one could have said it better

He was easy to like & befriend

Chic Silber said...

Just for the record it's spelled

MANUEL RUFFIN on the Ring Of Fame

Anonymous said...

I called one of the funeral homes in the North Port,Fl area.They said it looked like there would be a funeral for Junior.But no details until Friday or so.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that Junior's funeral is going to cost $7,000 according to the article in the North Port Herald Tribue, and it seems there is no money to pay for his funeral. Please Google the North Port Herald Tribune, and you'll see for yourself. I plan to kick in some cash if needed, and I hope the friends the Prince left behind will do so as well.

Anonymous said...

Please cut and paste the following link:

Money is needed to pay for Junior's funeral. Information on how to donate is in the article about Junior's passing.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a better link regarding Junior. Sorry to have given you all the previous link, which does not appear to work.

Wade G. Burck said...

Col. Herriott,
Thanks for mentioning the deplorable "race issue." I thought if I opened the door a crack, you would step in, and you did with class. Hell, I can't be the one ranging thing's up all the time. LOL That wasn't Prince who threw the race card on the table. In a sense, yes he did, but he was agitated and pushed in that direction. The folks who convinced him to go that route were at the induction that day. Prince was treated as fairly and squarely in the circus as anyone would be. He knew, appreciated it, and loved the circus for it. As he told me that day, "White boy, I will always regret the day I acted like a "N***er. The circus was always so good to me. It was my family." You'll insert the word yourself.
Wade Burck

Jimmy Cole said...

A little resarch on the previous comments regarding Jr's funeral.

For those who wish to contrbute, checks can be sent to and made payable to:

David J. Garofalo
4008 Longwell Lane
Northport, FL 34286

note: Manual Ruffin Funeral

Unknown said...

Mr Ruffin was a proud citizen of our great city. On March 8th 2010 we presented him with a key to the City.

Click on this link and then click on item 2a when it comes up and you can watch the video.

The family is still in need of donations for the funeral. Please help if you can and repost this message.

You can contact me at 941-302-1464

David Garofalo
Chairman of the North Port City Commission