Friday, September 10, 2010

From Buckles #2

SAVE1075, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Little John said...

I like the bench; it’d be cool to have my name a picnic table somewhere after I pass away. I’m thinking “prepaid cremation” and my loved ones can do whatever. I had a close call today with an idiot on a fork lift; my family would have been set for a few years if I bought it at work. Historically, my family lives well into there nineties, and I plan to stick around for a long time to read this Blog. But if you hear that I’m gone, take out your buck knives go to the nearest park and carve “Little John” on a picnic table – if you can find one made out of wood – and I’d owe you one.

Larry Louree said...

I would be honored..

Chic Silber said...

Would you prefer I use my Buck 112

or my Big Buck 110

Jim Z said...

"I had a close call today with an idiot on a fork lift; my family would have been set for a few years if I bought it at work."

Good solid information..
I assume getting run over by a Idiot, or perhaps "Hittin the Lottery' is yer Idea of strikin the Mother-Lode...WAIT-a-Minute...your a Party Clown arn't you!!! Why not do the "Twisty Balloon' deal with some High dollar Dudes wife...Blackmail is faster then waitin on a Idiot or the Lottery...Clown!...