Friday, September 10, 2010

From Buckles #1

SAVE1073, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

In the early-mid '80's while in Beatty-Cole WQ Ted was there with some Ringling bulls. I had just gotten a new car-seat for my daughter, Cassidy. I was struggling with getting the darned thing properly hooked into our GMC truck and Ted wandered by, noticed my dilemma and offered to help. Now, I can't imaging where Ted learned to install a child's car seat, but he had it hooked up in no time! God Bless, Ted. We miss you.
Cindy Potter

GaryHill said...

Rest in Peace, Old Friend!

Little John said...

Theodore: We had plenty of produce at the circus park in central Florida, but Ted would put like two quarters in the vending machine from his own pocket to give Anna Mae a cold apple before her act. I could have learned a lot from this elephant man.