Friday, September 10, 2010

From Buckles #3

Monument in Hugo, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Buckles said...

Barbara and I made two trips to Hugo in our bus immediately following my retirement.
The first in 2003 included my High School 50 Year Reunion in Hot Springs then on to Hugo to sell my mother's house.
While there we stopped by Mt. Olivet to pay our respects and also shop for a tombstone (we were still flush with Big Apple money in those days).
A year later we made the trip again that included grandsons Pat and Ryan. After a visit at Scott Riddle's place in Arkansas we continued on to Hugo where I took this picture.
As you can see, it was taken in the midst of Winter and the place looked rather barren.

Frank Ferrante said...

Buckles -

Neither of those stones need any additions for MANY years to come! Be well and have a GREAT weekend! ~frank