Sunday, September 12, 2010

Frederic Edelstein #2

Frederic Edelstein.4A, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

If the part of the article about the possibility of Frederick Edelstein joining Ringling Brothers is true, and he would join Ringling Brothers in 2011, would that mean he would go to the Red Unit and replace Taba? Do you, or any of the Blog's readers, have any knowledge or additional information about this? Or on Frederick Edelstein?

Hope all is well,



Anonymous said...

Replace Taba ?


Chic Silber said...

Why are folks afraid to sign

their names COWARDS

Anonymous said...

Nice wardrobe, but I also agree with Chic...loose the headband!
If Ringling can put a copy of this wardrobe on a t-shirt sign me up for a couple of them! It's a really unique design, and I want some!!!
Pete, the Baraboobian!