Saturday, September 11, 2010

Toby Tyler Circus (Set 3) From Peter Rosa)

Unusual picture.
The side show top was set so far back you can see
the entire banner line from the back side.
Looks like Dickie made the nut that day.


Anonymous said...

The side show on 1986 Toby Tyler was owned and operated by Ward Hall and C, M, Christ. It was a pleasent and profitable season. Cordially, Ward Hall

Chic Silber said...

Wade just mentioned the other day

that he & Chris had sold their

show to retire (yet again) but

after a very short time they had

a change of heart & that Chris

was at home framing a new 1

God bless them both

Chic Silber said...

Just noticed a blurb in the news

a few days ago that Guiness has

recognized a young Columbian man

as the current world's smallest

Perhaps Wade could bring him up

Chic Silber said...

Sorry Ward (I had just read a

note from Wade) you know that

I know better