Monday, February 02, 2009

Question Re Circus Barum!

Scan11265, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

From anonymous:
Any American circus ever use a bull tub for unloading from railroad cars? Or, was this a retired tub, kept with the car for the purpose?

"The Dailey Show used ramps for the ring stock, baggage stock , lead stock and baby elephants but used a bull tub for the big elephant car. I asked both Smokey and Rex and neither seemed to know why, they did as they were told."


Anonymous said...

In Germany you have to use different Cars all the time because the shows don`t own the stock or flat cars. Sometimes you can use the same car for 2 times but no more than that. If you had ramps it would have been a bit difficult with the hook up of the ramp on different cars and loading the same.

Anonymous said...

What about shows like Krone, which did own their own cars? Or, were they leased and simply painted with their name?