Sunday, May 04, 2008

Harriett Beatty #2

HBeatty1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"I was delighted to see these pictures on my return from the Club last night. While seated in the Art Concello booth and enjoying adult beverages, the Blog came up and how the subject of Mr. Beatty had taken a life of it's own.
John said. "I wish we knew a little more about Harriett Beatty. We can assume she and her sister Jean were show girls with Hagenbeck-Wallace when she and Clyde met. At that time he would have been a tremendous circus star, no doubt dating girls from Hollywood to New York City and she with a previous marriage and a small child at home."
On the way home I was thinking that a book from her viewpoint might have been more interesting than his. Imagine my surprise to find these pictures, particularly the one above showing a light side to her personality.



henry edgar said...

i certainly agree, i'd like to know more about Mrs. beatty. in one of his books, he said she was a show girl when he met her and he tried to discourage her from working with wild animals. he was always in the safety cage when she was working, and apparently did not know she was working part of his act when he was in the hospital because she knew he would not have allowed her to do that without him in the safety cage to help if needed. it's amazing that as happy as their marriage was by all acccounts, and lasting as long as it did, involving two featured acts, that we know so little about her.

Roger Smith said...

Clyde and Harriett Beatty were married from September 13, 1933, to October 25, 1950, just over 17 years, when she died of an extended history of heart trouble in their private 61 Car.

This photo illustrates why many people compared her to Carole Lombard.

Roger Smith