Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Painting the Curious!

LB-BCS-WQ-08-6, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Jim Hand lettering Reptile wagon......
Jim Z


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy looking at other show painters work and have always especially enjoyed Jim Hands work. Back from the Hoxie Bros Circus days to the modern day Sterling and Reid and Pat Guthrie's Jules and Beck Shows. It simply screams CIRCUS...
Denny Gilli, show painter

Mike Naughton said...

Modern vinyl sign makers cannot outperform the real show painters.
A question for the show painters: is yours an art soon to be lost? Is the next generation showing interested in the profession.

Anonymous said...

No disrespect to Mr. Hand's talent but when I first glanced at the photo I thought it was Cliff Arquette has "Charlie Weaver".

Pat Cashin said...

Is there a way to contact Mr. Hand?

I have a few classic props that would greatly benefit from his touch.


Anonymous said...

Pat, E-mail me at and I'll send you his #.......JZ

Anonymous said...

Jim Z,

Do you have a phone # for Jim Hand. Someone wants to talk to him about painting some wagons in Fl. Send it to me at

Jimmy Cole