Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Curator of the Curious #1 (From Jim Zajicek)

Wagon_0043, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles, we haul 3 circus wagons in the trailer I only have pics of 2..but I tthought the model builders would enjoy them...these 2 are about 4' x 8' x 5' 6"......Best JZ


Harry Kingston said...

Thanks for the great wagon pictures and the color scheme is perfect. That red just jumps out at you with the yellow and green.
I saw a bull ring on one wagon.
If you had about 2 inches of raw rubber around those steel wheels they would look just like Cole Bros. wagons.
Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos with us.

Anonymous said...

Jim, Beautiful lettering, are the wheels from old railroad baggage carts?

Hal Guyon

Wade G. Burck said...

That isn't a "circus wagon". If James C. Hall posts a picture of his bear cart, then you would see a "by God circus wagon." If a model builder were to build your show, what scale would you suggest?
Wade Burck

Wade G. Burck said...

Is it "UNUSUAL" for the Curator of the "Curious" to haul 3 wagons, but only have photographs of 2? That seems "UNUSUAL". But maybe it's not "UNUSUAL", and just how he does it?
I was just "Curious". Nothing "UNUSUAL" about that.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Hal. The wagon gear is from Pioneer equipment (Amish) in is their 1 ton wagon gear......Harry I could of put wooden wheels on them for no extra cost...however, they are only 1 1/4 inch wide...I have found a Amish man in Iowa that will build wooden wheels 4 1/2 inches wide with the wood between the spokes...the only problem is the cost at $1500 a set...with 3 wagons it would cost $4500....I'll run the steel for at least another year or more....I am glad you enjoyed them.....Thanks Jim Zajicek

Anonymous said...

Hal, here the link to their web page .....Jim Z

Anonymous said...

Jim, Are you telling me that the Amish have a web site, Thats unbelievable in itsself, whats the world coming to.

Hal guyon

Anonymous said...

Hal, they have a phone # too...However phone is at the call..and leave a message ..then they call you back in a day or so....Fact is stranger than Fiction!.....Jim Zajicek

Wade G. Burck said...

Jim Z,
I think that is called "hypocracy."
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

If it is business related, the Amish can have electricity, phones and computers. However you better have a valid reason for the equipment or you will, lose your privilege.
Bob Kitto