Monday, February 18, 2008

Red Sonnenberg

Scan000010873, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Earlier, on one of the Floyd King posts where grift was noted, Red Sonnenberg was mentioned. I remember doing an oral history with him on one of his many visits to Baraboo with his good friend Noyelles Burkhardt. While you might think of such an old guy with his background as tough if you had not met him, when we got to talking about RBBB closing in 1956, he absolutely broke down in tears and was shaking so much that we had to pause the interview. We continued but what a poignant demonstration of how in love folks can be with the business. He wrote some amazing but true stories in his inimitable style for Bandwagon and White Tops back in the early ‘70s but the then WT editor did so much editing on his that they lost all the flavor of the one and only Red Sonnenberg!
Dick Flint