Saturday, August 04, 2007

Clearing off the computer table (From Hal Guyon)

xcrash3, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This Downie Bros, truck doesn`t appear to be stuck in the mud, maybe a breakdown.
Hal Guyon

"This picture is a little gem. The truck may have broken down while in parade. More interesting tho is the back yard layout. People living where they could from home made trailers to tents, lean-to's and even a teepee. Despite having driven half the night and just set up the show, for the most part everyone appears neat in appearance, several men in neck ties, including the truck driver." Buckles


Buckles said...

Mr. Guyon, do you have a date for this picture?

Anonymous said...

Buckles, I don`t know the date or location. I got a lot of these from my father who passed away in 1996 at the age of 90. He may have taken it or got it from another fan, but there is nothing written on it. Hal Guyon