Saturday, August 04, 2007

Wallace Bros. Circus 1940 #6

Scan10165, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Having just purchased the five "Cocoa Cola" elephants from the Downie Show, Wallace Bros. now had nine elephants and with the temporary addition of Mr. Beatty's three, the herd was enlarged to twelve.
Arky Scott in the background was Mr. Beatty's Animal Supt. and presented the elephant act in the show.


Anonymous said...

Great photos, Buckles. Thanks. I'll bet you could get some stuff done with Arky Scott ramrodding it for you. Was the equiptment Mr. Beatty's or Hamid-Morton's. Wade Burck

Buckles said...

Probably bankrolled by Hamid-Morton.
Dave Price would know.

Anonymous said...

Dave Hoover told me that these cages were originally Coca-Cola trucks that Beatty had adapted to his use.

They were remolded after the Hamid-Morton/Wallace Bros tour and he used them through 1945 under various titles.

They then went to the new King Bros along with the other Beatty truck show (ex-Wallace Bros) and I believe at least one of these cages was on Mills Bros in about 1948.

Anonymous said...

By the way, how did that kid get out of his harness?

Buckles said...

I must have been past my harness days by 1940. If for no other reason, I remember my mother going on and on about keeping away from the cat cages so I had to be footloose.

Anonymous said...

To Bob Kitto: There are 5 dens per cage truck, and four trucks, making it likely Mr. Beatty had some 20 cats working then--unless some dens had compatible animals doubled up for a higher count.

To Bud: I, too, wonder if somewhere something of this act may still exist, sitting in silence, lost to history. Or, as with a lot of historical circus equipment, it was burned to the ground or dismantled for scrap.