Saturday, February 10, 2007

Would this be your mother?

Dear Buckles, I recently became aware of your web site and thought I might write you concerning my mother and her family. Mother was Miles and Mamie's third daughter. She did Roman riding in the circus as a little girl. She entertained us with circus stories when we were growing up in southern California.

I've seen you several times on TV through the years with your performing elephants. Dixie, Gracie's daughter and I have traveled some with our husbands. My Uncle Miles who lives in Albuquerque also keeps in touch.

My family moved to San Diego in 1941 and then to Oregon in 1948. I remember as a child when mother's Aunt Grace was with a circus in San Diego and we went to visit her. Her boy was very small at that time.

You are a year older than myself and I too, have always loved animals. My performance has been in music. I'm a singer and have done not only choral work but am also a soloist. My brother Bill plays the tuba in a brass ensemble and composes music.

I enjoyed looking through your website and was pleased to find a picture of my mother included with the Orton children. She must have been about ten years old. I easily picked her out with her long curls and laughter. My mother passed away November 12 2006 . She had just turned 90 years old on October 19th 2006.

Your Cousin once removed,

Patricia Dalton
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Anonymous said...

As a first and last generation circus performer, it's fun for me to see the family connections down through the generations. My family photo albums, terrific as they are, has generations of people standing by old cars. Cars are fine, but elephants and horses photograph better!

To Gary Hill: Please see Christy Bros. #4 for moose comment.

GaryHill said...

Thanks Pat! I relied to your post on #4