Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Salad Years! #1

Barbara and I were fortunate inasmuch as our "salad years" came at the end of our careers 1982 thru 2000 with the Big Apple Circus.
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Anonymous said...

I don't believe that "Salad Years" is really the best description perhaps PINICLE would be better..because you Buckles with Barbara and the magnificant Anna May, truly took the elephant act to an amazing level of Artistic Performance.

Anonymous said...

This photo is a delight to see .
The 3 of you togeather as shown & in the absence of the showlights .
Yes ; both the Woodcock Performing Elephants & the Big Apple Circus were in harmony & complemented each other Exceptionaly Well .
With all due respect my friend ; it might have more so been the Big Apples " Salad Years " not having you there anymore ?

Pat Cashin said...

The very best elephant act I ever saw, hands down.


GaryHill said...

Barbara,Buckles and Anna May says it all!

jerry digney said...

an amazing act--this pic brought tears to my eyes seeing that amazing animal and my old friends barbara and buckles--great show people with a one of a kind of the best;