Do these pictures ring any bells? I wonder if the movie camera may mean the act was being filmed for a Hollywood picture or short subject. The distinctive tubs may be a clue as to what show this is. |
Sunday, February 11, 2007
From Dave Price #1
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2/11/2007 06:20:00 AM
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To Bob Cline. In regard to info on Mills Bros. elephants. I do not know how to E.mail so will use Buckles blog to give you info on what I know and heard.
First would be Una Jean. I believe she was one of the babies imported to make up the 55 Ringling herd. She was injured some way, loading or unloading on the ship, I am not sure but she had a permanent shoulder injury. Now there was a wealthy little old man from Macon, Ga. that hung around the King Show in 54 named MacaFee. We he3ard he was one of Floyd Kings angels. I understood that he bought this elephant and she as a young baby was a Pit Show attraction in King 55. Some way after King went under she was bought by Mills and was then named Una Jean, the same name as KYs daUGHTER. She was a nice docil elephant and pulled a float in spec. Jake decided to sell her and asked me to train her to do a few things. Each day Lee Keener would march her thru the snow down to my crude sheep pen ring barn. I trained a nice little elephant pony and dog routine and when I left Mills, Charly Zerbini worked it in the show for a season.
Now according to your paper she was sold to a Carnival. This could very well be, but I heard that she was delivered to one of those meat packing houses in an industrial area of Indianapolis that processed rare and exotic meats such as Alligator, Snake, etc. and was a welcome addition to their menu of wholesale delectables. I hope I am wrong about this and wonder if maybe she was with a carnival, who might know?
Now the four performing elephants left always did the basic Hugo Schmidt, never changed it, as elephants dropped out they just continued on with a girl riding each elephant with Burma always doing the Walk over, cover and head carry. I do believe that Hugo had a young acrobat do the teeterboard with Lelabardi and one eyed Jenny.
Burma and Jenny were the hardworking work elephants. Bunny was ruptured, but on bad muddy nights to help I would work Bunny pulling the light stake puller and the baled canvas to the canvas wagon. Lelabardi never worked in harness. Bunny did have a little Jack Rabbit in her. Sadly these elephants were sold to Mexico. Burma was truly one of the great American circus elephants. In fact I believe we should establish an ELEPHANT PICKET LINE OF FAME. voting in a great circus elephant each year and naturally call it the JUMBO AWARD, and the first charter recipient could be ANNA MAY and we would be off and running. I believe Buckles blog would be the perfect place. I can think of a number of deserving elephants and am certain you interested elephant nuts out there have your favorites as well. Maybe this idea could bear fruit. Let us know what you ythink. We could drive those Carol Buckley supporters nuts.
carol buckley is already nuts!! Just reading that shit she writes on her web site is enough to drive a real elephant person batty. I try to avoid it now a days. What she write makes me want to puke. It really gets me that some people believe that shit. I am all for an Elephant awards site. "LOTA" "SUE" should be honored along with the herd for the abuse carol buckley has delt them for raising cash for that park in tenn. She gets her eleafan friends to e-mail all the partys who give awards and over welms so these people giving the awards belive she knows more then she does about elephant care. Talk about shams. Better then any sideshow gimit ever thought up.
Looking at the photo real close the camera is a 35mm movie with a 1000 foot magazine which is hand cranked as you can see if you look close.
I would bet this is a news reel camera for Fox movie tone, Pathe',
MGM, or Paramount.
They probably were covering opening day of the circus for news as those guys were all over the place back then.
Harry Kingston
Great idea Colonel! I second the nomination of Anna May!
I think the Picket Line of Fame is a great idea and might make a nice addition to one of the circus museums. Could do a combination of "modern" inductees (bulls working post 1945) and "historical" inductees going back earlier as far as Bet.
The "ANNA MAY AWARD" is a name to consider for the award.
Harry: Thanks for the camera info. That's one of many many things I know very little about.
They completely lost me when they started taking pictures with a telephone.
Don't feel bad Dave, I still use a black rotary dial telephone.
Mr. Herriott,
Thanks kindly for the reply. I knew about Una Jean's future after Mills but purposely left that out as we can all understand in today's world of radical thinkers.
Again many Thanks. It's off to the Bandwagon presses now.
PS: Tell Roy and Cindy my Parents are in Florida and tried to call a few times but didn't get an answer. They did get to visit Buckles.
I think "The Jumbo Award" is an excellent idea
Rebecca: Awhile back some guys were at the house doing some work and one of them asked to use the telephone. I said, "Sure- use this one." He replied, "I don't know how to use that kind" (it was a rotary). What scares me is that he was allowed to drive and vote.
When I look closely at the picture I wonder: If the wind was so strong to blow over the line of elephants why then is the camera still standing?
Buckles, reading all the great comments on this photo brought to mind how truly wonderful, educational and entertaining your blog is, not to mention keeping so many people in touch with each other. Reading this blog takes one through the whole range of emotions, you laugh, you cry, you love, and maybe even have a little hate. There are far too many great comments to mention here, but I would like to say that the particular title, Fecal Manager, brought to mind the "business card" I got from "Big Joe" Curran years ago which listed his title as "Head Shit Shoveler" All best to the Woodcock and Herriott clans and to all who love the circus. Very much looking forward to Hershey, understand they've talked two old vaudeville greats to come out and reprise some of their classic routines. Paul Gutheil
As Jim Alexander once described us:
"A few laughs, a bit of dance, a little seltzer down your pants!"
In honor of Gunther Gebel Williams being crowned "Lord of the Rings" Head down Harry began billing himself "Lord of the Shovel" !
Charly Baumann once approached me saying that I had a phone call in the office wagon, adding that he thought it was from some guy named Low Down Harry.
Some of the best and funnyest stories come from the SHIT SHOVELERS. PK has some dillys, Gary Hill tells it like it is. These people really know their shit. I am just a POOPER SCOOPER that had wild dreams of becoming a registered SHIT SHOVELER. These people need their own HALL of FAME. The Circus could not be without them. My hardest work here at the kennel is keeping this stuff picked up and disposed of.
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