I had the pleasure to work for Wayne for 6 years. His was the first circus I worked for and I joined in his first year, 1974. By the time I left the show (end of 1984) we all knew that the performance was rather amazing for the relatively small show it was. (The big top was an 80' with one 40') Wayne opened with 10 lions and tigers featuring Tony rolling the globe, doing a hind leg walk and Wayne riding him out of the arena. Okha, (Kosti and Megu, two baby Africans which we had just purchased were not in the act as yet), did a splendid single elephant act, hopping on the rolling globe as a finish. Wayne presented his 12 Pony of the America's liberty act as a finale. That same year we also had three men on the high wire, a nice three lady aerial ballet, cradle act, roman ring and single trap acts as well as a dog and mixed animal display and rolla bolla number all accompanited by a three piece band. Yes, we all worked very hard but no one worked harder than Wayne. Buckels, he had great respect for you. Though he never apprenticed under another trainer he deeply appreciated any conversation with an experienced trainer which might enhance his own training ability. He also appreciated as much as any trainer, meeting others who shared his passion for animals and animal training. Buckles, thank you for running this blog...it is good to talk circus again!
For me Wayne was another one of those people who made it worth being here!
Wayne Franzen was a great showman, and Paul Niebaur was an excellent ringmaster.-BJ
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