Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Allen King #2

But some may not know the 1935 chapter of his bio.

When Cole Bros was framed for the 1935 season, the top men involved were Jess Adkins and Zack Terrell. Adkins came from his triumphs with Hagenbeck-Wallace and brought Clyde Beatty with him. Terrell, now a few years removed from his Sells-Floto management days, had produced Standard Oil's "Live Power" show at the Chicago World's Fair and brought his trainer Allen King to the table. Buckles showed us earlier a nice photo of King's act at the Fair; here is another from a different angle. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Does any one know the years Adkins and Terrel died or left the business? Did they have any other cage acts? Did they buy animals for others to train and present? Did they have animals trained for other performers to present? Especially after 1942!

Buckles said...

They never had another cat act after Mr. Beatty left but always maintained house trainers for horses, ponies, dogs, sea lions, etc.

Anonymous said...

The original plan by Terrel Adkins was to frame two shows. A 30 car Cole Bros. managed by Terrel and a 25 car managed by Adkins. Cole with Beatty and Allen King with Adkins and original wntqtrs. early work was in that direction, but was scrapped, hence both acts on Cole in the first season. It appears Terrel was involved in Bay Show in some way. Terrel had most of the money, but both were very capable mgrs., so they were not necessary to be on the same show. In 38 they did take out two shows [Robbins and Cole] and when Adkins passed on it was Terrel all alone until he sold out.