Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Baraboo #1

Lee Keener and "Tom".


Dick Flint said...

That's Keener's wife in the howdah and me riding on Tommy's neck! Johnny Cline follows on foot though his three elephants aren't seen. Tommy had come by for a fitting of the Mayme Ward-made blanket and the howdah. Us two riders were replaced by Schlitz people (then sponsor's of the parade) for the Fourth of July. Chappie wanted some PR photos so he needed riders and I was appointed. My first time on an elephant! What a start!

Chic Silber said...

This must not be long before he broke

his left tusk crawling through a doorway

Chic Silber said...

Never heard him called Tom

I thought he was always Tommy

except for that phony title

used on Big Bertha for a while