Friday, September 04, 2015

More Cat Acts #3


Roger Smith said...

In recent months, it has been my pleasure to provide some history to Mel Koontz's sister-in-law, Sue Koontz, who is hard at work on a new bio for him. Here's Mel, taking one of his 3 Jackie's through hair and makeup.

Larry Louree said...

Sorry to be a first if may on this, but are baths a regular part of care for cats?

Roger Smith said...

Hell, no. Hosing them down, fine, but this is another example of Mel's gift with contact animals. On severely hot days, on the Beatty show, at the behest of Beatty's chief animal man, George Scott, I'd run get Curry, the water man, to bring the truck around to hose the cats. This may have offered scant relief if there was some wind. But on still days, I could only hope the drenching cooled them down.