Friday, May 01, 2015

Chappie #13

Chappie, me and Jim Hergan the day "Baby Charlie" arrived.
Some of you Circus World people might remember Jim and his daughter Ellen, they did the Publicity.

Christ! I wrote a book this morning.


Paul Gutheil said...

It's about time you started writing a book.
Better late than never!!

Ryan Easley said...

Thanks for the posts !

jerry digney said...

Jim has since passed, he was president of Circus World and previously VP Sales of NBC, where Irvin first met him. Ellen is now an executive at J Crew in NYC.

Bob Cline said...

Thanks to your offerings, we all now know more of these stories than was ever written before. These are the stories that can never be found in a book and make for great conversations.

Thank you Buckles!
