Saturday, August 24, 2013

1941 Rubin & Cherry #10



Caterpillar engine with, most likely a 75kw generator. Notice the PONY(Starting Motor). For those who don,t know, it is the small motor attached to the side of the large one.

Roger Smith said...

Pony motors were kicked off for the purpose of warming the main engine block before it was started in turn. In another life, I cranked up pony motors on the giant bulldozers I ran, starting with Cat D-6's, on up. They emit a frantic high whine for as long as the operator thinks it takes for the big block to warm, then with a set of cranks, the main engine roars to life and the pony motor subsides.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you and Chic and a select few others, who should well know you are, had better dang well be writing a book, or at the very least talking into a tape recorder...I think they still have them. Thee Blog is great, but being a non tech person, I don't know how permanent all of your collective incredible recollections are.

Thank you all so very much for so very much.

Paul, just an appreciative Fan.

Chic Silber said...

I can't recall which of the sets

ran at which speed but 1 of them

operated at 12K to 13K while the

other ran at 15K but I do recall

that the Cats had better oil test

results than the Jimmies mostly

Back in the day we had to synch

the sets manually by watching

the timing lights (& listening)


I have done the syncing thing many times over the years, Chic. It was fun, back in the day.

Chic Silber said...

Many things were more fun Jim

"back in the day" as I recall