Friday, October 26, 2012

From Jim Cole #2


Roger Smith said...

How well I remember Old Curry in that Water Wagon. This is not he in the photo.

Chic Silber said...

Didn't Tiger Charlie Gore drive this

wagon a couple of years & maybe even

Doniker Mike have it for a year

Roger Smith said...

Charlie Gore showed up drunk at Beatty's tunnel door one too many times, when we were still in Philadelphia, in '64. Beatty had started me on the door back at the up-and-down chute, and had advanced me a door at a time toward the arena, once per show. That night, he walked me over and spotted me on the tunnel door, gave me a crash course in what to do and not to do, the main object being to look directly at his eyes the whole time and never at the cats. With that, Boom-Boom was starting his announcement, and I was about to let the cats in and out for Clyde Beatty. He sensed my anxiety, and turned at the last minute, and smiled and said, "You'll be okay. Just watch me." What a night that was.

Bob K said...

I remember Mike, then there was the long haired hippie for a while.
Cost me a beer for the hippie to fill the tank on my truck camper.
Bob Kitto

Chic Silber said...

That was cheap (even if dirty) Bob

Try buying it at the 7-11