Thursday, March 08, 2012


03-08-2012 05;21;47AM by bucklesw1
03-08-2012 05;21;47AM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

As mentioned yesterday, the first time this trick appeared here was in 1948 and was trained and brought here from Europe by Hugo Schmitt in 1948.

My first effort at this was in 1972 when John Cuneo sent me up to Southwick's place to look at a female Asian about shoulder high with the interesting name of "Popsicle".
They delivered her to our place here in Ruskin where her name was immediately changed to "Billie" after one of my sisters in law.
She was already trained to lay down and sit up but John wanted some power tricks added to her repetoir.
I soon received a letter from one of John's lawyers with some sort of disclaimer and instructions to train a "first class" hind leg walk and one foot stand.
I called John and explained that Mack MacDonald trained first class stuff whereas I just eked out a living but he replied that the letter merely pertained to legal matters and to press on.
After getting the job completed I sent a few pictures and mentioned to John that were booked with Miller-Johnson Circus and had to leave for California shortly and to come get his elephant.
To my surprise he called Charlie Germaine and booked her with Miller-Johnson as well, so I took her with us on a season that included unanticipated stipends for both John and myself.
In the program we worked "Anna May" and Barbara's number in the first half and in the elephant display Oscar Cristiani was in the center, Smokey and Kari worked "Anna May" in a brief routine in Ring 1 while "Billie" and I did astonishing feats in Ring 3.
So to sum it up, I did very well that year and John did even better winding up with a free elephant.
I might add that during our first day in San Bernardino a meeting was called and Charlie introduced everyone to the new owner of the show, Clifford E. Vargas.


Wade G. Burck said...

"I immediately called John and explained that Mack MacDonald trained first class stuff whereas I just eked out a living and he replied that the letter merely pertained to legal matters and to press on." LOL The first "circus" contract I ever signed was with John over salad's at Book Binders in Philadelphia. As I started flipping through the pages John said, "you don't have to read it, it's just a bunch of silly stuff the lawyers wrote. As we had already discussed compensation earlier, I asked "what does it mean where it say's "pro rated?" John explained that that meant I was now a pro and was being compensated as such. When I met James C. Hall for the first time a few months later, he mentioned that I was kinda young. I agreed that may be so, but John considered me a pro and was compensating me as such. That's when James C. Hall explained to this towner what pro rated meant. What's not to love about showbiz!!!

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

Yup Wade I'm sure many of us have

seen some massive contracts

In my many years the majority of

my work has been covered either

by a handshake (the best) or by

a very simple 2 or 3 page letter

of agreement however when I 1st

became involved with "Aida" for

Disney Theatricals I started with

a simple verbal understanding &

designed & built several elements

that I supervised in our tryout

in Chicago in the fall of 99

Returning to my office in NY a

few weeks later I received this

tremendous boilerplate contract

from Disney's legal dept in LA

I promptly marched the few blocks

to the NY Disney office where I

found Marshall Purdy who I had

known for many years prior to

his becoming a GM for them & who

I had made the original deal with

He was laughing as I entered his

office saying that he knew this

was coming but he would have 1

of the LA legal beagles fix it

Although it took several months

of silliness it did all get fixed

I became well aquainted with a

lovely lady high up in the food

chain who went on to "prefix"

all the many future agreements

Disney has been very good to me

Chic Silber said...

We had a 1 foot on our Monte Carlo

tour by a mature elephant that

was with the Richters I recall

& 1 of the men did a 1 hand stand

on her head I believe