Monday, June 13, 2011

1951 GSOE #2

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Circus Barry said...

I believe this might be Estellene Pike, who later worked for Ringling only during their New York run each year. She spen the balance of the year performing at Hubert's Museum in New York City.

Dick Flint said...

This is a Cuban musical troupe and their two dancers who, according to the route book, are Marcene Felhauer and Margaritta Fernandez. Two of the banners seen show “Baby Irene” Parry, fat lady, and Charles Barent, “Sealo.” The busy banner on the right is for top spinner Nelson Sanchez Ruiz, a reminder that, historically, side shows regularly featured many novelty acts and vaudeville turns. (See my essay in the Strobridge poster catalog mentioned in today’s posting by Chris Berry!)
Dick Flint

Anonymous said...

The sword swallower in 1951 was Patricia Zerm (Miss Patricia). The gentleman doing the talking to her right was her husband Charles Zerm.

I remember Estelline Pike at the old Garden sideshow very well. I am not 100% sure but I think she only worked for Ringling during the early 60's. As you mentioned she worked at Hubert's the rest of the year.

Roger Smith said...

Sealo was with us on the Beatty show in '64. He was always a very agreeable, lively fellow whom everyone liked.